Rabu, 16 September 2015

The Effect of Using Transition Action Details (TAD) Strategy in Writing Recount Paragraph at the eighth grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru


A.    Background of the Research
Writing is a way of thinking to express our idea into a language. It means that writing is a skill of a writer to communicate information or message to the readers. By writing people can explore their ideas, thoughts, and feelings in ways to compete by envisioning readers’ expectations. Writing skill in all education level is said as the one of important goal in learning English. The students should be able to write well as drawn by the curriculum or even more.
Based on the researcher’s observation in SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru, a private school in Pekanbaru,  the school applies national curriculum in the teaching and learning English. In the curriculum clearly states that writing is one of language skills that should be possessed by the students after finishing the lesson. For more clarification, the syllabus described that student have to be able to write to vary aims and sentences such as describing, event sequencing and narrating the particular topics. Those must be English teacher’s concern while running the class, so that the students are able to use their skill in the school circumstance and out of the school circumstance.
Having a good writing skill is not easily attained. There are two aspects that should be applied, they are coherent and cohesion. Firstly coherent aspect is about the sequence of ideas compiled to organize paragraphs so that the readers do not miss the idea and they easily understand the ideas. Further, topics given must be well developed. To start developing the topic students should generate topic sentence. Then, students decide the supporting ideas and supporting details. As the final student decide the conclusion. Thus, reader can identify the purpose, and message implied in a good organization. Cohesion aspect relates to the grammatical pattern of the sentences. This refers to writer’s orientation to arrange sentences, phrase, punctuation, and even word choice. One should realize that writing needs a long process to be.
With regard to curriculum of Junior High School particularly in writing skill, students are targeted to be able to write well in all aspects of writing. One of competences focuses on writing; students are demanded to understand the meaning of written text in recount form that relate to the environment. Firstly, the students are able to tell about sequences event. Second, the students are able to express their ideas in writing recount text. And the last, students are able to develop their ideas to become a good recount text.         
            However, based on the information gotten from interview with an English teacher at the eighth grade of Junior High School (herafter SMP)  Beer Seba, she states that the students should follow the steps of writing recount text started from  the generic structure that consist of ; first is orientation, it provides the setting and introduce the participants, the second is the the events that tell what happened, in what sequence, the hird is re-orientation that closure of events (optional element).
            On the other hand, to write a recount text the student should focus on the lexicogrammatical features such as  a specific participant, the usage of action verbs, the circumatances of time and place, and the use of past tense.
Regarding to those phenomena which are usually found in teaching English, especially in teaching of writing, the researcher intends to conduct the research of applying a learning strategy which is considered will be helpful and beneficial for both students and teacher side. In this point, the researcher is going to apply one of the strategies in teaching writing of recount text is Transition Action Details (TAD). Based on some previous researchers’ ideas that TAD strategy is  a good strategy that gives positive effect of using Transition Action Detail strategy toward students’ writing achievement and could improve the students’ ability in writing.
Based on explanation above, the researcher is interested in doing an experiment research by using TAD strategy.  Therefore, the researcher will conduct the research entitled: “The Effect of Using Transition Action Details (TAD) Strategy in Writing Recount Paragraph at the eighth grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru”

B.            The Identification of the Research
In identifying the problems, this is intentionally derived from the background, the researcher identifies that the problem of the writing in learning process:
1)      The student should be able to write the orientation,events, and re-orientation in recount text.
2)      The student should be able to determine the lexicogrammatical features of recount text that focus on specific participants, the use of material processes, the circumstances of time and place and the use of past tense.

C.           Limitation of the Research
To avoid misunderstanding in this research, researcher limits the problems which are focused on the effect of using transition action detail (TAD) strategy in writing recount paragraph at the eight grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru.

D.           Formulation of the Research
The problems of this research are formulated in the following question “Do the students taught by Transition Action Detail (TAD) have significant different effect compared to students who are not taught by using Transition Action Detail (TAD) strategy in writing recount paragraph at the eighth grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru?

E.            Purpose of the Research
The purpose of the research, researcher hopes by doing this research will give valuable contribution to the following: to find out there is significant different effect of using Transition Action Detail (TAD) strategy in writing recount paragraph at the eighth grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru.

F.            Importance of the Research
There are some importances of result of this research that intended by researcher. This research will be hopefully useful for teacher, students, researcher and the next researchers. Some of those are as presented beneath:
1.      For the teacher is to find out the exact strategy in learning process through implementing TAD strategy.
2.      For the students is to ease and facilitate them in writing recount paragraph.
3.      For the researcher is to complete a requirement to obtain academic degree and enhance the ability and skill in English and teaching English.
4.      For the next researchers is to give peaceful information if they want to investigate in the same major.

G.           The Definition of Key Terms
            To avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation, researcher defines some terms used in this research as follows :
1.      Writing: is the skill to express ideas, thought, and feelings to other people in written symbols to make other people or readers understand the ideas conveyed.
2.      Transition Action Detail (TAD) Strategy is a strategy is very useful strategy to write the story which has sequences in it.
3.      Recount text is paragraph which retells past events or experience for the purpose of informing.


A.      Review of the Related Theories
In this part, this research will describe some related theories which support the problem of this research as in following:
1.        Nature of Writing
In this section, some definitions of writing are clarified. Those are derived from some experts that will be meaningful to support this research. All of those will be signified based on the relation of the ideas itself. According to Means and Lindner (1983: 13) writing is an indirect way to convey the intent of the author to the reader; it is said as an expression or speech in written form. Likewise, Richard (2003:8) defines that writing is written communication that work much on ability to generate expression in particular purpose. Those experts above put down the perception of writing based on the real activity which prefers conveying the ideas, information, thought, and even argument through the written language. They also tend to prioritize on the ability of putting the ideas. In fact, it is strongly needed by the writers and/or students to be creative in conveying the ideas in written language in order, the ideas can be easily reached by the reader and/or another student.
Differently, according to Rijlaarsdam et. al. (2005:3), writing is a complex skill because it works too much in the writer’s cognitive while addressing the aims by writing down the ideas. Merthens (2010:1) support the previous definition by defining writing as the complex and cognitively demanding activity. There is a same definition comes from Weigle (2002:14) who defines that writing is one of productive language skill that orients in cognitive work. All of definitions above invoke vividly in the cognitive aspect. Discussing about the cognitive, it needs a hard work to have a good cognitive because, cognitive itself is not the simple aspect to be worked by the students. It is about the critical, creative, mind and even strategy in writing. As the further, having a good cognitive or well-work cognitive is instantly possessed, it regards much stimulation and practice. It has probed that writing is the complex skill.
According to Kern (2000: 172) writing is essential to academic language learning for a number of reasons. It means that in designing meaning through writing, the learners develop their ability to think about how to organize and express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in ways compatible with envisioned readers’ expectations.  Writing is a means of communication the ideas or information between the writers and readers. Haris (1969:9) suggested that writing is one of the skills of learning language. In this case, English writing is tool of communication, besides it is an activity of presenting an idea in correct sentences. So, writing is an important skill in learning language.
The last definition, Writing is usefully described as a process, something which shows continuous change in time like growth in organic nature. Different things happen at different stages in the process of putting thoughts into words and words onto paper (MacDonald and MacDonald, 2002:7). This definition is absolutely appropriate for writing. As know that writing asks someone to organize and write the entire ideas. The process itself can be sensed by two meanings such process of learning writing and process of writing that consume a long time.

a.      Process of Writing
In teaching writing, a teacher should make writing more interesting to students because they are easier to get bored in writing subject like what researcher states before. This is one of teachers’ works to get the students interest in writing. And teacher is recommended to give suggestion and guidance in the writing process. The teacher should guide their students to overcome students’ mistakes. It would be give great benefit to the students.
According to Oshima and Hogue (1999: 3) there are four main stages in the writing process; prewriting, planning, writing and revising drafts, and writing the final copy to hand in. It means that in writing is needed steps to make a written work.
In addition walter in zaurah (2012:12) the processes involved in this writing approach as follows:
1)        Pre-writing
Its experiences help students to tap into background knowledge and experience and develop the need desire to write. Prewriting activities involve students in collecting resource pool of possible writing ideas, vocabulary, and language structures. These experiences can include a shared field trip, cooking, discussion, brainstorming, creating a graphic organizer, and responding to literature.

2)        Drafting
Students can jot down their thoughts using scribbles, drawings, letters, or more conventional writings. The purpose here is to get ideas and thoughts down on paper.

3)        Sharing and responding to writing
Students share their writing with a partner, group,or teacher. They can do so informally, collaboratively, or as part of a writer’s conference.

4)        Revising writing
Students incorporate feedback from responses and make correction, additions, or deletions to their writing. This stage concern itself on both content and mechanic.

5)        Publishing
It is the culmination of a significant work. Students writing can be published in poster, charts, letters or email messages, brochures, and books of all sorts big cooks, little books, accordion books, puppet or shape books, pop-up books, or bound books.

2.        Recount Paragraph
Recount text is one of story genre, the purpose is to reconstruct past experienced by retelling events and incidents of the order in which they have occurred. According to Saptiari (2012) recount paragraph is paragraph which retells past events or experience for the purpose of informing or entertaining. This could include personal events, factual incidents or imaginary incidents. Recount paragraph has social purpose, generic structure and lexicogrammatical features as follow:
a.      Social purpose: retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

b.   Generic structure:
3)      Orientation: provides the setting and introduce participants.
4)      Events: tell what happened, in what sequence
5)      Re-orientation: closure of events (optional element)

c.    Lexicogrammatical features:
1)      Focus on specific participants
2)      Use of material processes or action verbs
3)      Circumstances of time and place
4)      Focus on temporal sequence
5)      Use of past tense

According to Derewinka (2010:28-29) there are three types of recount. They are:
a. Personal Recount
Personal recount is a recount that retelling of an activity that writer or speaker has been personally involved in (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry). Language features of personal recount are:
1) Use of first pronoun (I, we).
2) Personal responses to the events can be included, particularly at the end.
3) Details are often chosen to add interest or humor.

b. Factual Recount Text
Factual recount is a recount that recording the particulars of an accident. (E.g. report of a science experiment, police report, news report, historical recount). Language features of factual recount are:
1) Use of third person pronouns (he, she, it, they).
2) Details are usually selected to help the reader reconstruct the activity or incident accurately.
3) Sometimes the ending describes the outcome of the activity (e.g. in a science experiment).
4) Mention of personal feelings in probably not appropriate.
5) Details of time, place, and manner may be need to be precisely stated (e.g. at 2.35 pm, between John st, and Park rd, the man drove at 80 kbp).
6) Descriptive details may also be required to provide precise information (e.g. a man with a red shirt, brown shoes and long his, weighing 75 kilos and approximately 189 cm tall).
7) The passive voice may be used (e.g. the breaker was filled with water).
8) It may be appropriate to include explanations and satisfactions
c. Imaginative recount
Imaginative recount is a recount that taking on an imaginary role and giving details events (e.g. a day in the life of a Roman Slave: how I invited…)

3.        Writing Assessment
Cohen in Richard (1998:89) separates the writing rubrics into five subdivisions. The first is about content that relates to the ideas of the students’ in writing a recount. The second is about organization that concerns in how the students manage the ideas in writing. The next is vocabulary asserted. It focuses on how students elect the exact words in writing. As the further rubric, it is about grammar that relates to the sentences’ arrangement.  The last will be the mechanisms that intended in spelling and punctuation. Here, researcher modifies the Cohen rubrics that related to Recount Paragraph. The rubrics score of writing can be seen in the table below:
Table 2.1
Scoring Rubrics of Writing Assessment
Considered Score

  5= excellent    
Orientation is clearly and accurately stated.
Orientation is fairly and accurately stated.
  3 = average         
Orientation is somewhat unclear or inaccurate.
2 = poor         
Orientation is not clear or accurate.
1 = very poor
Orientation is not all clear or accurate.


5 = excellent        
Event of objects are perfectly coherent.
4 = good            
Event of objects are generally coherent.
3 = average
Event of objects are clearly, logical but incomplete sequence.
2 = poor        
Event of objects are lacks logical   sequencing.
1 = very poor
No organization; incoherent.


5= excellent   
Re-orientation is clearly and accurately stated.
4 =good         
Re-orientation is fairly and accurately stated.
  3 = average
Re-orientation is somewhat unclear or inaccurate.
2 = poor         
Re-orientation is not clear or accurate.
1 = very poor  
Re-orientation is not all clear or accurate.

5 = excellent    
No errors; full control of complex structure.
4 = good
Almost no errors; good control of structure.
3 = average         
Some errors; fair control of structure.
2 = poor
Many error; poor control of structure.
1 = very poor
Dominated by errors; no control of structure.


5 = excellent
Mastery of the spelling and punctuation.
4 = good
Few errors in spelling and punctuation.
  3 = average
Fair number of spelling and punctuation errors.
2 = poor
Frequent errors in spelling and punctuation.
1 = very poor
No control over spelling and punctuation.

The conclusion, the researcher will use the above scoring rubrics to assess students’ writing recount paragraph.

4.    Teaching Writing By Using Transition Action Detail (TAD) Strategy
Transition Action Detail (TAD) Strategy is very useful strategy to write the story which has sequences in it. According to Lester (2006:5), Transition Action Detail strategy describe something as a sequence of event, first transitions are short phrase like “then” of “after while” or “in the beginning” that help to introduce each new action in the sequence. Second, action are the actual events (that things that happened) listed in order in which they occurred. The last, detail are additional information about each action. So, in TAD strategy, students are required to write their story in a table that helps them to write their story and it helps student to divide the sequence of event from their story.
Transition Action Detail strategy can give many advantages to the students and the teacher in teaching writing to improve students’ writing skill. According to Peha (2003:28) Transition Action Details strategy is very useful. Opportunities to describe a sequence of events come up all the time in school; in narrative fiction and non-fiction writing, in social studies when you recount an historical event, in science when you study chemical processes and so on. If the writer wants to share their writing but they do not know how to write it well, Transition Action Detail strategy can be done for having a good writing. This strategy helps the writer to write what they want to write usefully. This strategy has three parts:
1.      Transitions. These are short phrases like “Then” or “After a while” or “In the beginning” that help to introduce each new action in the sequence. It is not necessary to add a transition for each action, but they can be very helpful at making your sequence flow smoothly.
2.      Actions. These are the actual events (the things that happened) listed in the order in which they occurred.
3.      Details. This is additional information about each action. For each action, the reader will probably have two or three important questions you need to answer. These answers are your details.
The Transition-Action-Details strategy is the best strategy to convey information in a particular order. This strategy is a good revision tool too. This strategy guide the writer to deliver the information of experiences they have to the reader in a better way.
According to Peha (2003:38), there are six steps of applying the Transitions Actions Details (TAD) strategy. These steps are also can be applied in teaching recount writing in the classroom. They are explained as follow:
1.      Fill in the first ‘Actions’ box
To make the recount writing easier, students are guided to start with the first ‘Actions’ box first. The first Action box is to be filled with the first action of the story or the preface of how the story begun.
2. Fill in the last ‘Actions’ box
After filling in the first action box, go straight to the last ‘Actions’ box. This is needed to be done, so students can clearly see how the story ends. The first two steps are meant help the students to see the wide angle of their story before they go to the specific details.
3. Fill in the middle of narrative sequence
The Top and the bottom action box are filled, and then it is time to fill the actions between the beginning and the end of the ‘Actions’ box. It should easier because of the first two steps helped the students to remind or create every events in between.
4. Read over from the top to bottom of the ‘Actions’ box
The ‘Actions’ boxes are already filled. Then read over the sequence of actions. Check whether the actions are already in a correct chronological order.
5. Fill in the details (at least two per box)
Actions are fulfilled and already put in a correct chronological order. Then, go to the ‘Details’ box. Fill in the ‘Details’ box with the detailed or additional information about every action of the story. Put at least two details for every actions to serve a better understanding.

6. Fill in the Transitions (Optional)
First of all, not every action needs a transition signal. Put the transitions in the story naturally when it is needed to be attached. Do not use the same transitions over and over again, because it would be boring to the reader. In truth, the best writing uses no transitional phrases. Instead, students better use logic to move from one action to the next.

C.      Conceptual Framework
The researcher tries to conceptual the step in conducting the research to easy handing this research. The directions begin from observation, pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The preliminary research is observation before giving pretest to students. Then, the researcher gives pre-test to students to see average score of them.
Figure 2.1
Conceptual Framework




D.      The Hypothesis
1.      Alternative Hypothesis (Ha)
Ha : there is a significance effect of using TAD strategy toward the students’ ability in writing recount paragraph at the eighth grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru.
2.      Null Hypothesis (H0)
H0 : there is no a significance effect of using TAD strategy toward the students’ ability in writing recount paragraph at the eighth grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru.

B. Review of the Related findings 
There are some researchers that have done the research related to (TAD) the Transitions Actions Details (TAD) strategy;

            The First, Marpaung (2013) conducted the research entitled “ Using Transition-Action-Details (TAD) writing strategy to improve the ability of the second year students of SMP Darma Yudha pekanbaru in writing Recount text”. He defined that to identify the competence of the students, the writer used Pre-test and Post-tests. Besides that, there were some observation sheets and field notes used to record of the classroom activity during implementing Transition-Action-Details (T-A-D) Writing Strategy. The subjects were 20 students from class VIII.C at SMP Darma Yudha Pekanbaru that selected randomly. After two cycles of the Transition-Action-Details (T-A-D) Writing Strategy treatment, it was found that the subjects indicated a good writing in each post-tests. In the end of the cycles, the writer found that 100% of the students have reached the minimum criteria of achievement score of English subject in writing recount text. In addition, during performing Transition-Action-Details (T-A-D) Writing Strategy, the students’s activeness increased from the first until the last meeting. As the results of this study through the writing strategy, the observation sheets and field notes attested that the students gain positive progress towards the Transition-Action-Details (T-A-D) Writing Strategy.

               The Second, Hutari (2013) conducted the research entitled “The effect of using Transition Action Detail strategy toward students A writing achievement a study on students at VIII class in Junior High School 31 Padang”. She defined that This research is experimental pretest - posttest design . The population of this research is class VIII SMP 31 Padang and researchers sampled using sampling techniques Qluster . Researchers using t - test formula of Sudjana and found that t - calculated ( 3:33 ) higher than t - table ( 2:02 ) . The results of this study indicate that the use of strategies Transition Action  Â Details deliver effective results for student achievement in writing Â.
               The Third, Nofriyanti (2013) conducted the research entitled “Teaching writing of narrative text by using transition-action-details (TAD) strategy for junior high school”. This strategy emphasizes the activity of students in making a story according to their personal experience . With this strategy is expected to English teachers can improve students' skills in writing and students can write their own personal experience to effectively and efficiently . By using this strategy is not only motivated students to write  but they can be like learning English, especially writing.
            The Fourth, Manurung  (2013) conducted the research entitled “Improving Students’ Achievement in Writing Recount Text by Using Transitions – Actions – Details (TAD) Strategy”. He argued that The subject of this research were the second year students of SMP Swasta Immanuel, Medan, class VIII-A which consisted of 36 students. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle was organized in four steps, namely Planning, Action, Observation, and Reflection. Cycle II was the improvement of Cycle I. There are two kinds of data collected during the research, qualitative and quantitative data. The instruments for the quantitative data was writing test while the qualitative data was gathered through Observation Sheet, Interview Sheet and Diary Notes. Findings showed that students’ score improved from Test I to Test III. Based on the data analysis, Students’ mean in Test I was 44.33, in Test II was 61.13, and Test III was 82.66. The conclusion is that the Transitions – Actions – Details (TAD) Strategy can improve students’ achievement in writing recount text.

            The Fifth, Budiani  (2014) conducted the research entitled “Using TAD (Transition-Action-Details) strategy to improve the eighth grade students’ ability in writing recount texts at SMP N 2 Depok” . She defined that The results of the two cycles showed that the use of the TAD strategy could improve the students’ ability in writing recount texts. The students’ writing problems can be minimized by applying the TAD strategy. The TAD strategy also facilitated the students to construct and build their own ideas to become a recount text, then explore their words into a systematic schema. Then for the correction-analysis stage, it provided feedbacks that facilitate the students to correct their mistakes in the writing aspects, namely content, organization, vocabulary, language use and mechanics. In reference to the students’ writing scores, the students’ ability in five aspects of writing improved after the TAD strategy was applied. It was proved by the mean score of their recount text writings in the post-test (73.96), which was higher than that in the pre-test (63.64). Furthermore, the students’ activeness increased during performing the Transition-Action-Details (TAD) Strategy from the first until the last meeting. They were free to express their ideas that are related to the topic.
Based on the research done by the previous researcher, I want to do this research to give more variation in teaching english by using Transition-Action-Detail (TAD) strategy in the school.


A.         Kinds of the research
The research is experimental research. An experimental research is the traditional approach to conducting quantitative research Creswell (2005:282). An experiment deliberately imposes a treatment on a group of objects or subjects in the interest of observing the response. This differs from an observational study, which involves collecting and analyzing data without changing existing conditions because the validity of an experiment is directly affected by its construction and execution. Experimental research is used independent variable because experimental will control. Use of quasi experiments instead of the one-factor-at-a-time method. These are efficient at evaluating the effects and possible interactions of several factors (independent variables). Although all experiments have common characteristic, there use applications vary depending of the type of the research use. Analysis of the design of experiment is built on the foundation of the analysis of variance, a collection of models in which the observed variance is partitioned into components due to different factors which are estimated or tested.
In this type of experiment research, the research is quasi experiment ( pre and post test) in between-group research. Creswell (2005:295) states between-group research is the most frequently used designs education are those where the researcher compares two or more group. And the quasi experiment research includes assignment, but not random assignment of participants of group. The researcher will assign intact group of the experiment and control treatment, research, a pretest to both group conduct experimental treatment activities with the experimental group only, and then research a posttest to assess the different between the two groups.

Table 3.1
The Table of Quasi Experimental Research

Pre and Posttest Research                     Time

Select Control Group
No Treatment
Select Experimental Group
Experimental Treatment
(Creswell 2005:297)

B.      Population and Sample
The Population of the research is the eight grade of SMP Beer Seba Pekanbaru. Number of the students for the eighth grade is 67 students. SMP Beer Seba pekanbaru has three classes for the eighth grade. The population can be seen in the following table:

Table 3.2
Number of Population






A sample is part of the population being examined at the time of research. Thus, the sample of research should be less than the population. The sample must have the characteristics, which represent all the population being observed in the research. In other words, the sample is a subject of individuals or cases from a population. It enables the researcher to collect and organize the data more effectively and practically. In this research, Researcher will give pretest to the three classes to the students quality in writing. After calculating the score, Researcher gets the result that students’ average score of classes. Then researcher takes randomly as sample of research. Researcher will take two classes as the sample of this research by using lottery.

C.        Times and Location
The researcher will conduct this research at second grade of SMP Beer Seba  Pekanbaru in April 2015.  The time and activities will be mention:

Table 3.2
The Schedules of the Research
Meeting 1
Control and Treatment class

Meeting 2, 3,4
Instruction of Writing in using TAD

Treatment class
Conventional teaching
Control class
Meeting 5
Control and Treatment class

D.     Instrument
The researcher will use a test as an instrument. The test is done to get the result of students’ ability in writing. The test is constructed in writing recount text. The students are asked to write recount paragraph with the elective topics: My Holiday and My funny experiences.

E.            Technique of Collecting Data
Before conducting the pre-test, to know the result of the students’ ability in writing recount paragraph. The researcher will give a test that relate the elective topics my holiday and my funny experiences to assess the students’ ability in writing recount text. The researcher determines the test based on the curriculum and teaching materials. The test is held twice; pre-test and post-test. It will be done in two classes; control and treatment.
F.            Techniques of Analyzing the Data
To analyze the implementation of TAD Strategy, the researcher uses some formulas in this experimental research. Technique of analyzing data is used in this research can be a T-test when the data is normal and homogenous and uses U Mann-Whitney if data is not normal or not homogenous. The result data is going to be calculated by using N-Gain between pretest and posttest. The formula as follow:

N-Gain :
Note :
Spost      : Posttest Score
Spre       : Pretest Score
Smaks     : Maximum Ideal Score

Table 3.4
The criteria of achievement N-Gain score
G > 0.7
0.3 < g < 0.7
g ≤ 0.3
Meltzer 2002

To analyze the data, the researcher will compare mean score by using t-test calculation with the requirement that t-test can be used if the data is normal and homogeneous, and the formula can be seen as mentioned below:
1.      T-test
t= t-test
x1= mean score of control class
x2 = mean score of control class
S12 = Standard Deviation of Treatment class
S22 = standard deviation of control class
n1 = number of the students of the treatment class
n2 = number of the students of control class       ( Zulkarnaen, 2010: 187)

a. Normality Test
Normality test is used to know the distribution data normal or not. To find out the distribution data is used normality test with chi-square. The researcher uses Chi-square formula, as follows:
   X2  =
X2 = chi- kuadrat
0i = frequency that was obtained from data
Ei = frequency that was hoped
K = the sum of interval class

b. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test is used to compare variance in a group of three categories data or more and its categories can be compared fairly if the categories are homogeneity.

1.      Calculate Mean
2.      Calculate the Variance
S2  = )2

2.      U man Whitney
If the data is not normal and homogenous,  the researcher will use  U man Whitney as the form to calculate the data:
U1 = n 1 .n 2 + n1 (n1+1)    - R1

   U2 = n1.n2 + n2 (n2+1)  - R2
n1 : amount of simple 1
n2: amount of simple 2
U1: amount of level 1
U2: amount of level 2
R1: amount of rank sample 1
R2: amount of rank sample 2  

                                                                                                (Sugiono 2011:153)

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