Rabu, 16 September 2015

Students’ Ability in Distinguishing Language Features of Different Reading Texts at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana


A.           Background of the Research
          Reading was one of language skills that must be taught to the students. It was very important to have a good skill in reading. It caused by having a good skill in reading, students were able to catch the information from the text independently. It could also lead the students have a good critical thinking by analyzing and comprehending the information from the text.
          In addition, reading was very important for students’ academic success.  If they were good in understanding ideas, good model in English writing and gave opportunities to the students to develop the skill to do so, students should have more knowledge of language components; such as knowledge of vocabulary, grammar, and so on to support their language skills. Reading comprehension also needed to be trained. It meant that reading comprehension skills training was very important for students to increase their skills in comprehension text.
          With regard to the eighth grade of English syllabus SMP Bina Matra Wahana, the students were targeted after finishing reading competence, the students should have a good understanding about reading texts for different types of genre. According to Hartono (2005:4) genre was a type or kind of the text defined in terms of its social puposes, also the level of context dealing with social purposes. Genre shared the idea based on context related to social purposes and culture. Further, Derewianka (1992:18) states that the term genre was used to refer to a particular text-types that has social function, generic structure, and language features”.
          Derewianka’s statement above was supported by English syllabus demand of the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana that the basic competence stated in this syllabus, the students were able to comprehend the meaning of monolog text. The monolog texts which were taught by teacher there were two; descriptive text and recount text and the students have to be able to identify the elements of texts.
            In line with the descriptive and recount text, the students should be a able to identify both of language feature of the text. In descriptive text, the students identify the usage of simple present tense, action verb, passive voice, adverbial phrase and the technical term. Meanwhile, on recount text the students identify the usage of simple past tense, specific participant, and identify the time and place.
            From the aspects from decriptive and recount text above, the  students should be able to differenciate the usage of language feature of the text. Actually, language features of the texts support the meaning of the texts for example:  sentence structure, noun group/phrase, vocabulary, punctuation, figurative language. Choices in language features and text structures together define a type of text and shape its meaning. These choices were varied according to the purpose of a text, its subject matter, audience and mode or medium of production.
In line with the importance of language features of the texts types, the researcher would like to investigate students’ ability in distinguishing the language features of different text under title “Students’ Ability in Distinguishing Language Features of Different Reading Texts at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana”.
B.                 Identification of the Problem
Based on the background above, the researcher identified that the students should be able to distinguish language features of the different reading text particularly in recount and descriptive text.
C.        Limitation of the Research
            Based on the above identification, the researcher limited the research on students’ ability in distinguishing language features of different reading texts especially on sentence structure at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana. Here the text focused on the text from the syllabus, they were descriptive text and recount text.

D.        Formulation of the Research
             Referring to the limitation of the problems above, formulation of the research can be formulated in the following research question:  “How is students’ ability in distinguishing language features of different reading texts at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana?”
E.               Purpose of the Research
             The purpose of the research was to find out the students’ ability in distinguishing language features of different reading texts at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana.
F.               Importance of the Research
             The researcher hoped this research is useful for:
1.      For students
             It gave the positive contribution, especially in term of students’ ability in distinguishing language features of different reading texts at the eighth   grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana.
2.      For teachers
             Teacher could use the result of this research as reference when they wanted to improve their ability especially in teaching genre based approach.
3.      For researcher
                   The researcher could use this research for academic requirement to get             undergraduate degree.
4. For School
        The curicullum department could use the result of this research as the evaluation when they wanted to improve the english achievement especially.               

G.                Definition of Key Terms
To avoid misinterpretation and misunderstanding about the terms used in this research, it is necessary to define some keywords:
1.                  Genre Text was a distinctive type of the text has become familiar in            educational world especially in language field. Here the Genre of text that    researcher focuses on descriptive text and recount text.
2.                  Language features were the elements of text types as the techniques that    the writer uses to bring out the meaning and interest of their work that          includes the choice of words, sentence structure, and layout of the text             among others.


A.      Review of Related Theory
1.         Nature of reading  
          Reading was one of important factors in four English skills. It is very important for students to learning English as the second language. In addition Linse (2005:69) defines that Reading is a set of skills that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the printed form. It means that reading a text that print for the readers as the medium to get what they need Teaching reading skills to non-native speakers of English involves unique problems and challenges at all conceivable levels of instruction (Murcia, 2001: 151). It is supported by Nunan (1991:72) reading is usually conceived of as solitary activity in which the reader interacts with the text in isolation. It means that there is a relationship between the reader and the text that their read to find the means of text. Snow (2002) states that reading does not occur in a vacuum. It is done for a purpose. Reading activity involves one or more purposes, some operation to process the text at hand, and the consequences of performing the activity. It means that reading has purposes to make the readers understand about the topic or main idea in a text or paragraph.
          Furthermore, Johnson (2010) states that reading is the practice of using text to create meaning. The two key words here are creating and meaning. If there is no meaning being created, there is no reading taking place. Also, reading is a constantly developing of skill. The reading process has tended to be characterized primarily as psychological, cognitive and individual. So, the reading has relationship with the social process. The factor that can influence the reading ability is psychological, affective and individual from the reader.
2.             Genre of the Texts
          The term “genre” has been implemented in English language or ESL classroom. Genre has been a part of language curriculum. In indonesia, genre is a part of CBC (competency Based Curriculum). Many linguists have done research and given some definition of genre from different views. Therefore, a number of information about genre can be derived from those views.
          The word genre come from the French ( and orriginally Latin) word for kind or class. It is widely used in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory, and more recently linguistics, to refer to a distinctive type of the text. Genre as a distinctive type of the text has become familiar in educational world especially in language field. Derewianka (1992: 18) states that “the term genre is used to refer to a particular text-types, not to traditional varieties of literature”. The genre of the text is partly determined by the culture in which the text is used, since different cultures achieve their puposes through language in differnt ways.
          Acording to Hartono (2005: 4), genre is a type or kind of the text defined in terms of its social puposes, also the level of context dealing with social purposes. Genre sheres the idea based onn context related to social purposes and culture. Genre is used as a media for communication which is related to the social context. The social context is realized in the schemantic attribute. Collerson in Yanti (2009: 9) states that a genre is something that arises within a particular culture; it is a product of the culture.
          In addition, in writing genre is required the comprehension of the elements of genre. The writer has to know what parts of genre which are needed to be shown in the writing. According to Eggins (1994: 36), there are two main dimensions to the realization of genres:

a.       Semantic structure
          Semantic structure refers to the staged, step by step organization of genres. The staged and goal oriented organization of genres is express linguistically through a functional constituent structure in the text.
b.             Relization of elements of schematic structure
          Relizational patterns are expressed through language choices reliazed in a text. To analyze genre, the writers have to know the words and stuctures that are using in the text.
          These two main dimensions widely influence the genre. To comprehend and implement genre, analyzing process for these two major elements of genre is needed. Caudery (1998) states that failure to implement generic factors adequately may result in giving the impression to a reader that the writer is, perhaps, uneducated, weak, unenthusiastic, or deliberately insulting.
          From the information above, the researcher can conclude that genre is a type of the text that is related to social purposes and cultural context. In analyzing and implementing genre, semantic structure and relization of elements of schematic structure are needed to be understood.
3.             Descriptive Text
          Descriptive text is giving vivid detail of how something or someone looks. A descriptive text tells what a person or thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. The text is only show fact because descriptive show the attributes of the thing, most clauses use adjectives. Descriptive text usually also show part whole relationship.
          According to Ewen (2005:14) Descriptive text is described an object, person, or scene. The description can be objective or subjective. In an objective description, you provide factual information about what you have observation without revealing your feelings. In a subjective description, you select and express details in such a way as to reveal your attitude toward what you are describing.
          In addition Wishon (1980:128) states that description gives sense Impression-the feel, sound, taste, smell, and look of things. Moreover Kane (2000) states that description deals with perceptions—most commonly visual perceptions. Its central problem is to arrange what we see into a significant pattern. Unlike the logic of exposition, the pattern is spatial: above/below, before/behind, right/left, and so on. Description helps the reader , through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or  an emotion.
          In line with the above paragraph, descriptive text can conclude that a text which the characteristics of something. Every type of text has certain features. The features of descriptive text are social function and generic structure. First, Social function is purpose of why the writer writes the text. In this step, the students can make a paragraph in generally. Second, Generics structure is organizational structure of the text. In generics structure, that consists of identification and description.

a.              Social Function of Descriptive Text
          According to Zahrowi (2009) descriptive writing or text is usually also used to help writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc. To complete our intention to, here are the characteristics based on descriptive writing or text, below; As a feature, description is a style of writing which can be useful for other variety of purposes as:
1)      To engage a reader’s attention
2)      To create characters
3)      To set  a mood or create an atmosphere
4)      To being writing to life

b.             Generic structure of descriptive text
          The generic structure of descriptive text consists of identification and description, they are:
1)         Identification
      It is a part of paragraph which introduces or identifies the character.
2)        Description
       It is a part of paragraph which describes the character.

c.       Language Features of Descriptive Text
          The description text has dominant language features as follows:
1)       Using Simple Present Tense
2)       Using action verbs
3)       Using passive voice
4)       Using noun phrase
5)       Using adverbial phrases
6)        Using technical term

4.       Nature of Recount Text

          Recount text is one of story genre, the purpose is to reconstruct past experienced by retelling events and incidents of the order in which they have occurred. According to Saptiari (2012) recount paragraph is paragraph which retells past events or experience for the purpose of informing or entertaining. This could include personal events, factual incidents or imaginary incidents. Recount paragraph has social purpose, generic structure and lexicogrammatical features as follow:
            a. Social purpose
                         retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining.
            b. Generic structure:
                   1)  Orientation: provides the setting and introduce participants.
                   2)  Events: tell what happened, in what sequence
                   3)  Re-orientation: closure of events (optional element)

            c. Lexicogrammatical features:
                   1)  Focus on specific participants
                   2)  Use of material processes or action verbs
                   3)  Circumstances of time and place
                   4)  Focus on temporal sequence
                   5. Use of past tense

According to Derewinka (2010:28-29) there are three types of recount. They are:
a. Personal Recount
          Personal recount is a recount that retelling of an activity that writer or speaker has been personally involved in (e.g. oral anecdote, diary entry). Language features of personal recount are:
          1)  Use of first pronoun (I, we).
          2)  Personal responses to the events can be included, particularly at the end.
          3)  Details are often chosen to add interest or humor.

b.      Factual Recount Text
          Factual recount is a recount that recording the particulars of an accident. (e.g. report of a science experiment, police report, news report, historical recount). Language features of factual recount are:
1)    Use of third person pronouns (he, she, it, they).
2)    Details are usually selected to help the reader reconstruct the activity or                    incident accurately.
3)    Sometimes the ending describes the outcome of the activity (e.g. in a                        science experiment).
4)    Mention of personal feelings in probably not appropriate.
5)    Details of time, place, and manner may be need to be precisely stated
        (e.g. at 2.35 pm, between John st, and Park rd, the man drove at 80 kbp).
6)    Descriptive details may also be required to provide precise information                               (e.g. a man with a red shirt, brown shoes and long his, weighing 75 kilos                                  and approximately 189 cm tall).
7)    The passive voice may be used (e.g. the breaker was filled with water).
8)    It may be appropriate to include explanations and satisfactions

c.       Imaginative recount
Imaginative recount is a recount that taking on an imaginary role and giving details events (e.g. a day in the life of a Roman Slave: how I invited…)

5.       Sentence Structure
          Sentence is a group of words normally containing a subject and predicate, expressing an assertion, question, command, wish or exclamation. Subject means element in a sentence performing the action indicated by an active verb, element in a sentence receiving the action of a passive, and predicate means the verb with its modifiers, object, complement, or indirect object. Murphy (1991:1).
          Seaton (2007:139) defines that a sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence must have  a subject and a verb, but it may or may not have an object. It means that sentence must have a subject and a verb, the sentence will be awkward and have no meaning or giving sense to the reader. Also, Seaton (2007:140) claims that there are four kinds of  sentence that can be seen as follows:
a.       A declarative sentence makes a statement
Example : The children are swimming
b.      An interrogative sentence asks a question
Example : Are you going shopping today?
c.       An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion
Example: How stupid I am!
d.      An imperative sentence gives an order
Example: Please sit down!

          Carter and Skates (1990:50) state that when the subject and predicate expresses a complete idea, the clause is called sentence. It means that sentence must have complete idea to give sense to the reader and sentence is the development from clause.
          Carter and Skates (1990:64) claim that there are four kinds of sentence can be seen as in the following:
a.       Simple sentence is made up of only one independent clause.
Example: Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide.
b.      Compound sentence is made up of two or more independent clauses.
Example: For countries, Brittany was an independent state, but now the area is part of France.
c.       Complex sentence is made up of one independent clause and one more dependent clauses-adverb, adjective, or noun.
Example: The game involves three contestants who spin a roulette
d.      Compound complex sentence is made up two or more in dependent clauses and one or more dependent clause.
Example: London’s Great Exhibition, which opened in 1851, was
                 designed to show human progress; it brought together in  
                 the “Cristal Palace” industrial displays remarkable for
                 their day.
          Hogue (1996:18) states that a sentence is a group of words that  contains at least one subject and one verb and expresses a complete thought. It means that in a sentence which have subject and verb, but if it does not have complete thought and give no any sense to the reader, the sentence still not complete yet. As a similar to the Carter (1990), Hogue (1996:18) claims that there are four basic kinds of sentences in English: simple sentences, compound sentences, complex sentences, and compound-complex sentences. From the experts above can be concluded that there are four basic skills of writing sentences should be known by writer to produce good writing.
          Eastwood (1999:4) states that the parts of a sentence are the subject, verb, object, complement  and adverbial. A statement begins with the subject and the verb. There are five main structures which we can use to make a simple statement:
      a.   SUBJECT              VERB
           My arms                  are   aching.
            Something               happened.
      b.   SUBJECT              VERB              OBJECT
            /                               need                  a rest.
            Five people             are moving       the piano.
The subject and object can be a pronoun (e.g. I) or a noun phrase (e.g. the piano).
 c.  SUBJECT               VERB              COMPLEMENT                              This piano                is                      heavy.
      It                            was                    a big problem.
            The complement can be an adjective (e.g. heavy) or a noun phrase 
(e.g. a big problem).The complement often comes after be. It can also come after appear, become, get, feel, look, seem, stay or sound. For adjectives and word order

 d.   SUBJECT              VERB                ADVERBIAL
        It                             is                        on my foot.
        Their house              is                         nearby.
 An adverbial can be a prepositional phrase (e.g. on my foot) or an 
             adverb (e.g. nearby).
       e.  SUBJECT                VERB               OBJECT              OBJECT
       It                                 s giving               me                      backache.
       David                         bought                 Melanie               a present.
We use two objects after verbs like give and send
6.    The Mastery of English Structure
          According to Rozakis (2003:32) The tense of a verb shows its time. English has six verb tenses. Each of the six tenses has two forms: basic and progressive (also known as “perfect”). The basic form shows action, occurrence, or state of being that is taking place right here and now. The basic form also is the base for the future form (i.e I will sleep; they will sleep).The six tenses express time within three main categories: past, present, and future. The using of correct tenses will show how is one event related to another.
There are four principals of  verb parts:
a. The present tense
The present is used to form the present tense (“I look”) and the future (“I will look”).English uses the helping verb will to show the future tense.
b. The present participle
The present participle forms all six of the progressive forms (“I am looking,” “I was looking,” and so on).
c. The past tense
The past forms only one tense, the past tense (“I looked”). As with the present tense, the principal parts and alone.
d. The past participle
The past participle forms the last three tenses: the present perfect (“I have looked”), the past perfect (“I had looked”), and the future perfect (“I will have looked”). To form the past participle, start with a helping verb such as is, are, was, has been. Then add the principal part of the verb.
The following are the guide line of  Verb Tenses and Time
-          Use the two present forms (simple present, present progressive) to show events that take place now.
-          Use the six past forms (simple past, present perfect, past perfect, past progressive, present perfect progressive, past perfect progressive) to show events that took place before the present.
-          Use the two present forms (simple present, present progressive) to show events that take place now.
-          Use the six past forms (simple past, present perfect, past perfect, past progressive, present perfect prosgressive, past perfect progressive) to show events that took place before the present.
-          Use the four future forms (simple future, future perfect, future progressive, future perfect progressive) to show events that take place in the future.

B. Review of the Related finding
            There were some research that had been done by  researcher related to the Language feature;

            The First,  Sadewa (2011) conducted the research entitled “The Analysis of Recount Text Written by Tenth Graders of SMAN 2 Blitar”.  He defined that in the language features, most of them forgot to use past tense in their sentences.The findings found that the tenth graders of SMA Negeri 2 Blitar have organized all of the recounts text components in their writing assignment. They were able to implement both of generic structure and language features of recounts text properly.
            The Second, Mulyana (2013) conducted the research entitledWriting Exposition Text Capabilities at Acceleration Class XI students of SMAN 1 Wates Kulon Progo”. He defined that  Results of this study indicate that the level of students' abilities in writing generic structure still varies from a low level, and well being, there is no perfect. And then,  In using language features students show varying levels of ability levels are low, medium, and well, no one is perfect. Based on the research findings, English teachers in teaching writing skills should emphasize on the understanding of the generic structure and language features, so as to understand the generic structure and language features will be easier for students to write exposition text.
            The Third, Apriliyani (2011) conducted the research entitled  An analysis of narrative text writing made by the tenth graders of acceleration class at SMA Negeri 1 Sidoarjo She defined  that  the result shows that all of the samples are able to write their narrative composition completely in the term of generic structure and language features. But, some students still made some errors when applying generic structure and language features of narrative text. The errors that mostly appeared in the students’ narrative composition is the use of past tense as dominant tense in this text.
            The fourth, Nurohmah (2012) conducted the research entitled  An Analysis of Students’ Recount Text by Using Systemic Functional Grammar” The findings show that most students seemed to be able to apply the schematic structure of Recount because they put the schematic structure correctly in different paragraphs. However there was still one student (the writer of text 6) who put the schematic structure in one paragraph only. Dealing with the language features, most students likely found problems in differentiating between the use of simple present tense, past tense, prepositional phrases, regular and irregular verbs. Therefore, it is recommended for the students to improve their knowledge and practice more in writing, particularly in writing Recount.

            The Fifth, Noertjahjono (2007) defined that the result of farther analysis shows that the students seemingly have problems in each category omission, addition and misformation. Thus, the students were often found to make errors in using those patterns high. The average number of errors made of all the students was 46%. From the percentage, it can be conclude that the students’ mastery in using language feature especially simple past tense was poor.


A.           Kinds of the Research
          The design of this research was survey descriptive study. According to Creswell (2005: 354) Survey designs were procedures in quantitative research in which investigators administer a survey to a sample or to the entire population of people in order to describe the attitudes, opinion, behaviors, or characteristics of the population. The survey design has two kinds; the first is “at one point in time” (Cross sectional), and the second, “Study over time” (longitudinal).
 In this case researcher conducted one point in time (Cross-sectional). Creswell (2005:355) states that cross- sectional designs consist of particularly type that matches to this research is related to program evaluation. Program evaluation was a survey that provided useful information to decision makers. In this study, the performance of a study on the students’ ability in understanding language features was reported to the SMP Bina Matra Wahana. With regard to the finding of the research, it was an input for the English teacher make such as evaluation in teaching especially, in language features according to the curriculum target.
In conducting this research, researcher applied quantitative research. According to Creswell (2005: 39) A quantitative research was a type of educational research in which the researcher decidedwhat to study, asks specific, narrow questions, collected numeric (numbered) data from participants, analyzed these number using statistics, and conducted the inquiry in an unbiased, objective manner”.  Furthermore, researcher used descriptive statistics test to measure students’ ability in understanding possessive pronoun. Creswell (2005:183) stated that Descriptive statistic helped you summarize the overall trends or tendencies in your data. Provide insight into where one score might be, and provide insight into where one score stands in comparison with others. These three ideas from descriptive statistic were the central tendency, variability, and relative standing. “Descriptive statistic can be used in analyzing data statically, which in short the data is gained from test. In this study, the performance of the students’ ability in understanding language features at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana.
B.            Setting of the Research
          The researcher conducted this research at the eighth grade of SMP Bina Matra Wahana Pekanbaru on May 2015.
C.           Population and Sample
          As stated above that in doing this research the researcher had to consider the subjects in the single population without grouping them in the class, gender, and age. Therefore, the sample of this research was the eighth grade students of at of SMP Bina matra Wahana. It consisted of 22 students.
          Accoding to Sugiono (2010) states that “ Sampling jenuh adalah teknik penentuan sampel bila semua anggota populati digunakan sebagai sampel, hal ini sering dilakukan bila jumlah populasi relatif kecil, kurang dari 30 orang atau penelitian yang ingin membuat generalisasi dengan kesalahan yang sangat kecil. Istilah lain sampel jenuh adalah sensus, dimana semua anggota populasi dijadikan sampel”.
          In conducting this research the researcher used all population to be sample of the research because it less than 30 participants. In other words, the researcher will use total sampling.

Table 3.1
The Sample of the Research

Students at Grade


D.                Instrument of the Research
            The researcher used the test as the instrument of this research. The test was multiple choices test. Multiple choice test was the instrument in quantitative research to answer the research question in this research that related topics on syllabus.
Table 3.5:
Blue Print Item Test
Language feature indicator
Number of Items
Items Number







1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9,  10

                                                                                        (Harmer, 2003: 237)
E.        The Technique of Collecting Data
In this research, the researcher collected the data by using multiple choice test. There were 20 items of question. One correct answer got 5 points. If the students answered all questions, they got 100 points.
F.        Technique of Analyzing Data
There were some steps in analyzing the data of descriptive statistic. Firstly, the researcher analyzed the central tendency. This was about the contribution of the score based on their character of statistic such as mean, mode, and median. They were expressing an average score (the mean), the middle of a set of score (the median), or the most frequently occurring score (the mode). A mean was the total of the scores were divided by the numbers of scores. To calculate the mean, the researcher summed all of scores and then divided the sum by the number of students. The median was a middle score that obtained by seeing that middle score. The mode was the number (score) that appeared most frequently in a list of scores as in the following:
a.    Mean
Mean               =
                      The explanation of formula above is:
fx                : The raw score
N                   : The number of the cases

b.    Mode
            To find out the mode of the score, the researcher identified the score that mostly occurs.

c.    Median
            To find median, the researcher identified the middle score from the all score.
Secondly, it was variability. Variability showed the spread of the scores in distribution of scores in a distribution. Range, variance, and standard deviation all indicated the amount of variability in a distribution of scores. Range of scores was the difference between the highest and the lowest scores to items on an instrument. The variance indicated the dispersion of scores around the mean. Standard deviation was useful information.

a.    Range
To find the range of the score, the researcher identified the lowest and the highest.

b.    Variance
                        Variance =
                The explanation of formula above is :
Raw score        : The score
M                     : Mean of the score
N                      : Number of the cases or student

c.    Standard deviation
The explanation of formula above is:
∑d2      : The score of variance
N-1      : Number of cases – 1

The last step, the research calculated relative standing. Relative standing was statistic that describe one score relative to a group of score. Two frequently used statistics are percentile rank and Z score. A percentile rank of a particular score was the percentage of participants in the distribution with scores at or below a particular.  Z-score was a popular form of the standard score, and it showed a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one.
a.    Percentile rank
            To find the percentile rank, the research identified the percentages of the score.

b.    Z-score
Z-score =
The explanation of formula above was :
Raw Score           : The score
M                          : The average of the score
SD                        : The score of standard deviation

Also, the researcher referred to English curriculum of SMP Bina Matra Wahana to know the students’ ability in understanding language features as in the following:

Table 3.2
Score Categories of SMP Bina Matra Wahana

Range of score
90 – 100
Very Good
80 – 89
73 – 79

(Adopted from SMP Bina Matra Wahana)

          After doing all the calculation above, finally the researcher knew the students’ ability in understanding language features that contributed to the end instruction in teaching English. From the result, the researcher also asked the teacher to make decision dealing with teaching English.

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