Rabu, 16 September 2015

The Effect of Using Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) toward Reading Descriptive Text at the Second Grade of SMP Education 21 Pekanbaru

A.                            Background of the Research
                        Reading was one of the four language skills that needs to be developed in teaching English. It was because reading had significant contribution to the development of students’ knowledge. By reading it was possible for them to get information, entertainment, and for their career and their study as well. Reading was the process of looking at series of written symbols and getting meaning from them. When reading text the students used their eyes to receive the written symbol (letters, punctuation marks and spaces) and the students used their brain to convert them into words, sentences, and paragraphs that communicate something for them. Particularly in cases when students had to read English materials for their own special subject.
            For the English Foreign Language students, reading skills was important because by comprehending a reading material, the students could find the main idea of the reading, get information from the English passages, know the writer’s message and understand what the text tells about. In addition, to increase the reading comprehension the students should know some reading components that may help them to read carefully. Those were finding information, main idea, reference, and inference.
            Furthermore, in Kurikulum KTSP the students were demanded to comprehend several types of the text that related to genre based approach, such as narrative, descriptive, and recount. Especially for the Second Grade of Junior High School, in Based Competence stated that the purposes of teaching english, especially in reading skill was to express the various meaning of interaction oral text and monolog to respond three types of the text they were narrative, descriptive, and recount texts. It meant that the students were expected to understand those types of text in order to achieve the level of comprehension.
            There were two indicators of descriptive text that must be mastered by the students clearly, those were generic structure and language features of descriptive text. In generic structure, the student should be able to identify the character of that object, and then the description of the object that described the character of that object itself. The description of the object such as people, animal or place in the text clearly. Then, in language features the student should be able to identify the usage of linguistic element in present forms such as simple present tense, action verbs, passive voice, nounphrase, adverbial phrase and technical terms.
            In order to make teaching learning process in reading activities run well and more effective and efficiently to students, the one of many ways to get the goal of teaching and learning process can be done for making combining some strategies to be applied in teaching reading. In other words, teacher should use the effective strategies in order to make the reading activity run successfully in teaching reading comprehension.
            In this point, the researcher applied one of the strategies namely Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA). According Hedin, L. S. (2011) states that Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) is a Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) instruction strategy to help struggling readers to improve their comprehension skills through monitoring, cooperative learning, summarizing, main idea identification, and self-questioning. This strategy made the students active in teaching and learning process. They found the important word through teacher’s instructions. Then, they interacted each other to share the words with their classmates.
            Based on explanation above, the researcher was conducting an experiment research by Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA). Therefore, the researcher conducted the research entitled: “The Effect of Using Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) toward Reading Descriptive Text at the Second Grade of SMP Education 21 Pekanbaru”.
B.                The Identification of the Research
            Based on what had been discussed in the background of the research above, these phenomena can be identified that the students were not able to reach the indicators of decriptive text well in reading skill.

C.           Limitation of the Research
            Based on the phenomena stated above, the researcher limits the study on the effect of Using TWA (Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading) in Teaching Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text at the eighth grade of SMP Education 21 Pekanbaru.

D.                Formulation of the Research
            The phenomena of this research was formulated in the following question: “ Is there any significant effect of  using Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) strategy toward reading descriptive text at the eighth grade of SMP Education 21 Pekanbaru?.”

E.                 Purpose of the research
            The purpose of the research was to find out the significant effect of the the students who are taught by using Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension of  Descriptive Text  better than the students who were not taught by Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) strategy on reading comprehension of descriptive text at the eighth grade of SMP Education 21 Pekanbaru.

F.                 Significance of the research
                        The finding of this research was to give valuable contribution as follows:

1.      For students
             It was to give the positive contribution, especially in term of students’ reading comprehension by using Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) strategy.
2.      For teachers
             Teacher could use the result of this research as reference when they wanted to improve their ability and got more variation strategies in teaching reading. This research could be an evaluation for the teacher who frequently used monotonous strategy in teaching reading in the classrooms.
3.      For researcher
              The researcher could use this strategy to improve her/his skill in comprehending the text and also for academic requirement to get under graduate degree.

G.               Definition of the Key Terms
            To avoid misunderstanding of the concept used in this study, some definitions were provided as the following:
a.       Reading comprehension was the process of understanding written text to extract  information, then recalling the information and connecting them to the existing knowledge in a piece of communication whether oral or written (Brown, 1994:291)
b.      Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading (TWA) is a Self Regulated Strategy Development (SRSD) instruction strategy to help struggling readers to improve their comprehension skills through monitoring, cooperative learning, summarizing, main idea identification, and self-questioning. (Hedin, L. S.:2011)
c.       Descriptive text was a text that giving a statement of what somebody or something was like.(English Syllabus 2013)

A.                            Review of the Related Theories
            In this research related theories, research of this study elaborated some related theories dealing with using TWA (Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading)  Strategy  teaching in improving students reading comprehension. Those were described as follows:

1.                  The Nature of Reading
            Reading was one of important factors in four English skills. It is very important for students to learning English as the second language. In addition Linse (2005:69) defines that reading was a set of skills that involves making sense and deriving meaning from the printed form. It meant that reading a text that print for the readers as the medium to get what they need Teaching reading skills to non-native speakers of English involves unique problems and challenges at all conceivable levels of instruction (Murcia, 2001: 151). It is supported by Nunan (1991:72) stated that reading was usually conceived of as solitary activity in which the reader interacts with the text in isolation. It meant that there is a relationship between the reader and the text that their read to find the means of text. Snow (2000:15) states that reading does not occur in a vacuum. It is done for a purpose. Reading activity involves one or more purposes, some operation to process the text at hand, and the consequences of performing the activity. It means that reading has purposes to make the readers understand about the topic or main idea in a text or paragraph.
                 Furthermore, Johnson (2008:3-4) states that reading is the practice of using text to create meaning. The two key words here are creating and meaning. If there is no meaning being created, there is no reading taking place. Also, reading is a constantly developing of skill. Also, according to Wallace (2003:7) the reading process has tended to be characterized primarily as psychological, cognitive and individual. So, the reading has relationship with the social process. The factor that can influence the reading ability is psychological, affective and individual from the readers.
2.                  Nature of Reading Comprehension
            Comprehension on reading text is an activity process to which the reader brings the individual attitudes, interest, and expectations. Reading comprehension involves much more than reader’s responses to the text. According to Brown (1994:291) states that reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing appropriate, efficient comprehension strategies. So, reading comprehension is the main factor in teaching English. Reffering to Klingner  (2007:4) some reading comprehension strategies that been associated with the highest effect sizes for students with learning disabilities are those that teach students strategies that prompt them to monitor and reflect before, during, and after reading.
Richards and renandya (2002:277) defines that reading comprehension is the primary purpose for reading ( though this is sometime overlooked when students are asked to read overly difficult texts);rising students awareness of main idea in a text are essential for good comprehensions. It means that reading comprehension has the purpose to makes the readers find meaning from the text which they are reading.

a.       The components of reading comprehension
            There were eight components of reading comprehension features. They are main idea, expression/ idiom/phrases in context, inference, grammatical features, detail including facts not written, supporting idea, and vocabulary in context.
b.      The categories of reading comprehension
            Brown (1994: 187) states there are two categories of reading comprehension, as follows:

1. Micro skill for reading comprehensions:
a.       Discriminate among the distinctive graphemes and orthographic patterns of English.
b.      Retain chunks of language of different lengths in short-term memory.
c.       Process writing at an efficient rate of speed to suit the purpose.
d.      Recognize a core of words, and interpret word order patterns and their significance.
e.       Recognize grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), system (e.g., tense, agreement and pluralization), patterns, rules and elliptical forms.
f.       Recognize that a particular meaning maybe expressed in different grammatical forms.

2.      Macro skill for reading comprehension:
a.       Recognize cohesive devices in written discourse and their role in signaling the relationship between and among clauses.
b.      Recognize the rhetorical forms of written discourse and their significance for interpretation.
c.       Recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to form and purpose.
d.      Infer context that is not explicit by using background knowledge.
e.       Infer links and connections between events, ideas, etc., deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.
f.       Distinguish between literal and implied meanings.
g.      Detect culturally specific references and interpret them in a context of the appropriate cultural schemata.
h.      Develop and use a battery of reading strategies such as scanning and skimming, detecting discourse markers, guessing the meaning of words from context, and activating schemata for the interpretation of text.

            Micro and macro reading skills could help the reader to comprehend the text because in Micro skills the reader could recognize a core of words that can interpret word order patterns and their significance, the micro reading skill can help the reader to identify the grammatical word classes (nouns, verbs, etc.), system (e.g., tense, agreement and pluralization), patterns, rules and elliptical forms. And also, Macro reading skills could help the reader to recognize the communicative functions of written texts, according to form and purpose such narrative, descriptive, and recount text, macro reading skills can help the reader to infer links and connections between events, ideas, etc., deduce causes and effects, and detect such relations as main idea, supporting idea, new information, given information, generalization, and exemplification.
            According to Healy (2002) reading comprehension is the understanding of the written word, the understanding of the content that is being read, and the construction of meanings of the text.        It meant that reading with comprehension has meaning that the reader is able to extract from the selection its essential facts and understanding, visualized details and sense the readiness of facts. Reading Comprehension required motivation, mental frameworks for holding ideas, concentration and good study techniques or strategies Good readers recognize and get meaning from word they see in print, and use their knowledge of the structure of the language to begin forming a mental nation of the topic.

3.                  Descriptive Text
            Descriptive text was giving vivid detail of how something or someone looks. A descriptive text tells what a person or thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. The text  only shows fact because descriptive show the attributes of the thing, most clauses use adjectives. Descriptive text usually also show part whole relationship.
According to Ewen (2005:14) Descriptive text was described as an object, person, or scene. The description could be objective or subjective. In an objective description, you provide factual information about what you have observation without revealing your feelings. In a subjective description, you select and express details in such a way as to reveal your attitude toward what you are describing.In addition Wishon (1980:128) states that description gives sense Impression-the feel, sound, taste, smell, and look of things. Moreover Kane (2002) states that description deals with perceptions—most commonly visual perceptions. Its central problem is to arrange what we see into a significant pattern. Unlike the logic of exposition, the pattern is spatial: above/below, before/behind, right/left, and so on. Description helps the reader, through his/her imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or  an emotion.
In line with the above paragraph, descriptive text can conclude that a text which the characteristics of something. Every type of text has certain features. The features of descriptive text are social function and generic structure. First, Social function is purpose of why the writer writes the text. In this step, the students can make a paragraph in generally. Second, Generics structure is organizational structure of the text. In generics structure, that consists of identification and description.

a.              Social Function of Descriptive Text
          According to Zahrowi (2009) descriptive writing or text is usually also used to help writer develop an aspect of their work, e.g. to create a particular mood, atmosphere or describe a place so that the reader can create vivid pictures of characters, places, objects etc. To complete our intention to, here are the characteristics based on descriptive writing or text, below; As a feature, description is a style of writing which can be useful for other variety of purposes as:
-To engage a reader’s attention
-To create characters
-To set  a mood or create an atmosphere
-To being writing to life
b.             Generic structure of descriptive text
          The generic structure of descriptive text consists of identification and description, they are:
    It is a part of paragraph which introduces or identifies the character.
    It is a part of paragraph which describes the character.
c.       Language Features of Descriptive Text
The description text has dominant language features as follows:
1.       Using Simple Present Tense
              Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is true now, and will be true in the future.
·         You speak English.
·         I play tennis.

2.       Using action verbs
                              Action verb is expressing action, something that a person, animal, force of nature, or thing can do.
Examples :
·         In the library and at church, Michele giggles inappropriately.
                        Giggling is something that Michele can do.
·         Because of the spicy Jamaican pepper, David reached for his glass of iced tea.
                        Reaching is something that David can do—happily, if his mouth is on fire.

3.       Using passive voice
                              Passive voice  is when its subject does not perform the action of the verb. In fact, the action is performed on the subject.                            
·  Everyone was startled by the power outage
·  A scream was heard coming from across the house
·  The candles were extinguished as we rushed to the scream

4.       Using noun phrase
                               A noun phrase or nominal phrase (abbreviated NP) is a phrase which has a noun (or indefinite pronoun) as its head word, or which performs the same grammatical function as such a phrase. Noun phrases are very common cross-linguistically, and they may be the most frequently occurring phrase type.

·         The election-year politics are annoying for many people.
·         Almost every sentence contains at least one noun phrase.

5.       Using adverbial phrase
                              An adverbial phrase is a linguistic term for a group of two or more words operating adverbially, when viewed in terms of their syntactic function. Adverbial phrases ("AdvP" in syntactic trees) are phrases that do the work of an adverb in a sentence.

Example :
·  I will sit quietly. ( adverb of manner)
·  I'll do it in a minute. ( adverb of time)
·  I used to work in a factory.(adverb of place)
·  I always wash my hand before eating (adverb of frequency)

    6.       Using technical terms
                      Technical term is a word that has a specific meaning within              a specific field of expertise.

Here, the students learnt and understood  about identification, description, simple present tense in active and passive voice. In identification, the students will identify the character of the object, after that the students will find out the describtion of  the character of that object. And for simple present tense  in active and passive voice, the student will find out the appropriate word for each sentence.

4.         Teaching Reading Comprehension by using TWA
            According to Jitendra.et.al (2000) states that The TWA checklist helped students self-manage their strategy use, a technique that has been effective in other studied Because TWA relies on the use of a checklist during early lessons.
            TWA (Think Before Reading, Think While Reading, Think After Reading) reading comprehension strategy. TWA has shown positive effect when taught to children with poor reading achievement including those with disabilities (Mason.et.al : 2004).       
            To apply this strategy in the class for students, we must know how to use this strategy that is good procedure. This statement is supported by Rogevich and Perin (2008:246) consist of Think Before Reading lead student to think about the author purpose, including the type of text structure and the information discussed in the passage. Think while reading prompt student to think about the reading speed in order to be aware of how quickly they reading and to focus on increasing their speed. Think after reading have student think about what their are learning to what they already known.
            According to Haris.et.al(2008) that step of TWA strategy as follow :
1. Think before reading
            T = Think about the author purpose, what you know, what you want to learn.
2. While reading
            W = Think about reading speed, linking knowledge, re – reading parts. also, student learn to link knowledge or make connection between the text and their knowledge. Last ,student adjust reading speed (Graves and Levin, 1989)
3. After reading
            A = Think of main idea, summarizing information, what you learned). In the final step TWA, student learn to identify main idea in each paragraph.

            Process ends with students orally retelling or summarizing the whole passage. In this way, teachers must demonstrate and collaborative practice to guide small group or partner practice.     

B.                Review of related findings
            There were some researchers that had been done the research related to TWA strategy;     
            The first, Linda H. Mason (2013) reading comprehension Think before reading, Think while reading, think after reading (TWA) strategy, have found positive performance effect from this.   
            The second, Mason.et.al(2006:35) define TWA strategy is think before reading, think while reading, think after reading was design to help reading comprehension through students engagement with the text before, during and after their reading. In the TWA strategy, the students are led to think before reading with their prior knowledge, attention to the text during reading and be able to make comprehension and conclusion by own words.   

            The third, (Montague and Warger,1997) state that when using TWA the reading task is modified by chunking long passages into smaller pieces .Specifically, pauses at the end of paragraph allowed readers to think about and identify main ideas, delete unimportant information and summarize as well as rehearse passage information. Furthermore, because the passages were chunked into paragraphs.     

C.                Conceptual Framework
Figure 2.1
Conceptual Framework




D.                Hypotheses

1.      Alternative Hypotheses (Ha)
Ha :  there is significance different between students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text by using TWA Strategy than the students who do not receive the instruction of the method.
2.        Null Hypotheses (H0)
Ho : there is no significance different between students’ reading comprehension of descriptive text by using TWA Strategy than the students who do not receive the instruction of the method.


A.                Kinds of the Research
            The researcher used quantitative measurement in analyzing data. This study used Quasi Experimental research because this method established cause and effect relationship. Researcher chose Quasi Experimental (pre and post-test, post-test only) in Between-Group Research. Between-Group Research was the most frequently used designs in education were those where the researcher compares two or more groups Creswell (2005:295). The Quasi experimental research included assignment, but no random assignment of participants to groups. The researcher assigned intact groups of the experimental and control treatments, research  a pre-test to both groups, conduct experimental treatment activities with the experimental group only, and then research a post-test to assess the different between the two groups.
Table 3.1
The Table of Quasi Experimental Research

Pre and Posttest Research                           Time

Select Control Group
No Treatment
Select Experimental Group
Experimental Treatment

(Creswell 2005:297)

B.                Population and Sample of the Research
The population of this research was the second grade students of Education 21 Pekanbaru. They consisted of 4 classes and the total number of the students were 116.

Table 3.2
The Population of Research

Total students

            A sample was part of the population being examined at the time of research. Thus, the sample of research should be less than the population. The sample had to have the characteristics, which represented all the population being observed in the research. It enabled the researcher to collect and organize the data more effectively and practically. In this research, researcher determined the classes based on students based score to see students had equal ability. After calculating the score, researcher got the result that students’ average score of classes. Researcher determined two classes as the sample of this research by using lottery, before doing that, researcher committed the first taken out was experimental class and the second was control class. Those were class VIII 1 became experimental class and class VIII 2 became the control class.
Then, the researcher used random sampling. It was done by selecting group (not individual) because all members of selected group had similar characteristics. After doing random sampling, the researcher took VIII.1 as the experimental class and VIII.2 as the control class. The specification of the sample could be seen on the table below:

Table 3.3
Sample of the Research
Class Method
27 Students
As Experimental Class
As Control Class
27 Students
54 Students

C.                Setting of the Research
The research was conducted at the eighth grade students of SMP Education 21 Pekanbaru. This research was conducted in February 2015.
Table 3.4
The Schedules of Research

Meeting 1
4 February 2015

Control and Treatment class
Meeting 2
6 February 2015
Instruction of reading using TWA
Treatment class

Meeting 3
11February 2015
Instruction of reading using TWA
(My Home)
Treatment class

Meeting 4
13 February 2015
Instruction of reading using TWA
(My Family)
Treatment class

Meeting 5
18 February 2015
Instruction of reading using TWA
(My Pet)
Treatment class

Meeting 6
21 February 2015

Control and Treatment class

D.      Instruments of the Research
To collect the data researcher used the test as the instrument of this research. The test was multiple choices test. Multiple choice test was the instrument in quantitative research to answer the research question in this research that related topics on syllabus.

Table 3.5:
Blue Print Item Test
Reading descriptive indicators
Number of Items
Items Number


Generic Structures
-          Finding the identification
-          Finding description
Language features
-          Simple present tense (active)
-          Simple present tense (passive)




                                                                                        (Harmer, 2003: 237)
E.                The Technique of Collecting Data
            In this research, the researcher collected the data needed to support this research by doing some steps. The first, the researcher gave pre-test to find out homogeneity between control group and experimental class. The second, the researcher gave some treatments only to the experimental class in a particular time. The third was post-test given to both of the classes. 
F.                             Techniques of Analyzing the Data
            To analyze the implementation of TWA Strategy, the researcher used some formulas in this experimental research. Technique of analyzing data was used in this research can be a T-test when the data was normal and homogenous and used U Mann-Whitney if data were not normal or not homogenous. The result data was calculated by using N-Gain between pretest and posttest. The formula as follow:
N-Gain :
Note :
Spost      : Posttest Score
Spre       : Pretest Score
Smaks     : Maximum Ideal Score

Table 3.6
The criteria of achievement N-Gain score
G > 0.7
0.3 < g < 0.7
g ≤ 0.3
Meltzer 2002

            To analyze the data, the researcher compared mean score by using t-test calculation with the requirement that t-test used if the data was normal and homogeneous, and the formula could be seen as mentioned below:
1.      T-test
t       = t-test
x1       = mean score of treatment class
x2    = mean score of control class
S12   = Standard Deviation of Treatment class
S22  = standard deviation of control class
n1    = number of the students of the treatment class
n2      = number of the students of control class      
                                                                                    ( Zulkarnaen, 2010: 187)

a.         Normality Test
            Normality test was used to know the distribution data normal or not. To find out the distribution data was used normality test with chi-square. The researcher used Chi-square formula, as follows:
   X2  =
X2 = chi- kuadrat
0i = frequency that was obtained from data
Ei = frequency that was hoped
K = the sum of interval class

b.         Homogeneity Test
            Homogeneity test was used to compare variance in a group of three categories data or more and its categories were compared fairly if the categories were homogeneity.
1.      Calculate Mean
2.      Calculate the Variance
S2  = )2

2.      U man Whitney
If the data is not normal and homogenous, the researcher will use  U man Whitney as the form to calculate the data:
U1 = n 1 .n 2 + n1 (n1+1)    - R1
    U2 = n1.n2 + n2 (n2+1)  - R2
n1 : amount of sample 1
n2: amount of sample 2
U1: amount of level 1
U2: amount of level 2
R1: amount of rank sample 1
R2: amount of rank sample 2                                                (Sugiono 2011:153)

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