Rabu, 16 September 2015

Improving students’ writing skill in writing memo through a Genius learning strategy at the Tenth grade of SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru


A.        Background of the Problem
The teaching of English in vocational school was very important because it was highly required for the students to master English themselves with adequate skills in order to support their majors. The facts showed that the school used School Based Curriculum (KTSP) as the curriculum of English teaching, the objective of teaching English in Vocational High School were emphasized on the Communicative purposes related to their majors. In teaching English the students got English lesson  twice a week, one meeting 45 minutes and all students followed the rule of school.
With regard to standard of content, especially concerning with the English teaching, there were four basic skills which should develop, namely reading, listening, writing and speaking. The final goal of teaching and learning English in Vocational High School as stated in the Standard content was that the students could achieve the Communicative competence both in written and spoken and use four skills of communication within daily life at the end of their study. Many students who had been studying English for three years in SMK (Vocational High School) still got some problems in achieving Communicative competence. Problems in vocabulary is the only, one instance out of many problems. These phenomena were in contradictory with the concept standard, especially concerning with the English teaching.
Vocabulary was one of the needs in foreign language, rich vocabulary mastery will help us to write a text flawless and comprehensively. However, in order to get a good mastery in vocabulary especially in teaching vocabulary to students of English as Foreign Language (EFL) the teacher should use the variation technique so that the students could absorb the words in their brain and bored of the lesson.

Meanwhile in my teaching practice especially in SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru the students got English lesson twice a week and two meetings in a week,  one meeting 90 minutes. The facts were seen from the students’ works from daily test that was assigned by the teacher that there were students’ score which did not reach the minimum score in terms of writing, and the researcher focused on  writing memo because the students were not able to write a memo based on the aspect of memos. Memos were useful in situations where e-mails or text messages were not suitable. For example, if we are sending an object, such as a book or a paper that needs to be signed, through internal office mail, we could use a memo as a covering note to explain what the receiver should do.  
In writing a memo, the students should follow the steps, those were writing the name of the receiver,the name of the sender,the date, the message and the signature. It was only 25% score with the minimum score 70 as drawn in the daily test result. vocabulary in writing caused the students  difficulties about writing memo. The caused were in several factors.
Firstly, the students had lack of vocabulary in writing functional text memo, actually there were many words of functional text memo that they should know to support their understanding in writing the text, but because of lack of vocabulary, the students were difficult to write the memo based on the structure of memo text correctly. Secondly, the students were not able to reach the writing achievement  memo because they were difficult to understand the functional text memo as they had lack of vocabulary. Thirdly, in writing functional text memo there were some steps that must be followed by the students. But they could not follow it well.
Furthermore, to reach the aim of education mentioned in (KTSP) especially for Vocational High School  students were demanded to master or develop their vocabulary skills. In order to understand  English texts,  students had to  learn the elements of vocabulary text available  such as the usage of parts of speech, those were noun, verb, adjective,preposition, conjunction, and adverbs. These parts of speech were important to learn by the students to get the mastery of writing skill especially in writing memo. Based on the interview done to the students, they did not understand how to write the suitable words in making a memo.
Because of such phenomena the researcher was very interested, and this problem needed to be improved. At least how much vocabulary minimum approximately students had to master for writing well, and what strategy students did those make some of them got bad mark in pretest that had been conducted by the researcher.
Based on phenomena about the students, it could be solved by using Genius learning strategy. Gunawan (2006) stated that genius learning  strategy was cognitive theory of  learning which describe the processing, storage and recall of knowledge of the brain. This theory explained how we obtain some information and remember it in a long time, and it could be related to writing process because this strategy helped the writer to recall the steps of writing in a different type. Therefore, we needed to implement this specific learning strategy that could facilitate all of the information processed in brain through multiple senses.The researcher  used genius learning strategy to help student in improving writing ability of making memo, genius learning strategy offered a highly efficient system that applied for the students learning process and enviroment.
            Based on explanation above, the researcher was interested to conduct the research entitled “Improving students’ writing skill  in writing memo through a Genius learning strategy at the Tenth grade of SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru”.

B.        Identification of  the Problem
            Based on the what had been discussed in the background of the problem above, these problem can be identified :
1.                     The students got difficulties in writing memo because lack of vocabulary.
2.         The students were difficult to get writing achievement in writing memo
3.         The students were lack of ability to write or organize the functional text     memo by using its structure.
C.        Limitation of the Problem
            The researcher limited this research on the improving students’ability in writing memo through a genius learning strategy at the Tenth grade of SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru.

D.        Formulation of the Problem
            In line with  the background of the research, the research formulated the question as follow:
1.    To what extend genius learning could improve students’ ability       in         writing memo at the Tenth  grade SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru.
2.    What the factors influenced the changes of the students’ ability      in         writing memo through Genius learning strategy at the Tenth grade of      SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru.
E.        Purpose of the Research
            The purpose of the research was to improve the students’ ability in writing memo by using genius learning strategy at the Tenth  grade SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru.
F.         Significance of the Research
            This result of this research was important to :
1.    The researcher
     To improve knowledge and expand experience about research.
2.    The teacher
     The result of this research was expexted to be able to encrich the   teachers’ knowledge in terms of teaching english vocabulary and to solve            the problems of difficulties in memorizing the meaning of word      vocabulary.

3.    The students
     This research expected to encourage the students mastery with the            English lesson, the students felt relax and enjoyed when learn English   lesson and solve their poblem in understanding the meaning in writing.
4.    The readers
     To give information about the use genius learning strategy to improving    vocabulary
5.    For next researchers
     To give more references about teaching and learning English related to     improving vocabulary ability through genius stategy.
G.        Definition of  the Key Terms
            In this research, the definition of key terms to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation was difined some terms used in this research as follow :
a.       Vocabulary ability was generally considered to be the greatest language streng for the students.
b.    Genius Learning Strategy is The learning model packaged in such a way which uses knowledge from various disciplines such as knowledge of how the brain works, how the memory, neuro - linguistic programming, motivation, self-concept, personality, emotions, feelings, thoughts, metacognition, learning styles, multiple intelligences, memory techniques,engineering notes, and other learning techniques.
c.       Improving  is to raise more desirable or more excellent quality or condition, make better.


A.      Review of the Related Theories
          In this research related theories, research of this study elaborated some related theories dealing with using Genius Strategy in teaching  memo in writing. Those were described as follows:
1.       Nature of Writing
          According to Tarigan (1985:5) writing was productive skills for writing an indirect communication and the nature of the character is very different from that expressed by speaking directly, therefore writing is included an ability, according to Harmer (2001:79) writing is a form of communication to deliver through or to express feeling through written form. Suparno, Jonah (2006:14) argues that writing is a series of activities going on and involve several phases, the preparatory phase, the content development and review, as well as revisions or improvements posts. Jonah (2006:29) argues that writing can be used as an indirect means of communication to others to convey information. Activities is not easy to write because writing should be able to produce something new and can give you an idea or ideas to the reader through writing. another definition of writing is proposed by Nation (2009:112) who states that writing is an activity that can usefully be prefered for by work in other skills of listening, speaking, and reading. This preparation can make it possible for words that have been used receptively to come into productive use.  
The reason for teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language include reinforcement, language development, learning style, and the most importantly writing as a skill in its own right. According to Hyland (2002:105) there are many advantages of teaching writing such as:

1.          Discourse rehearsal: helps learners establish way of engaging in spoken and written interaction by stimulating real-word events.
2.           Learning to write: provide opportunities to employ genres under realistic conditions.
3.          Rhetorical consciousness rising: promotes understanding of reader needs and of writing as means of achieving social and persuasive purpose.
4.          Motivated involvement: provides the student with the reasons for writing based on their target needs and current interest.
5.          Cooperative engagement: requires students to work with others to collect data, exchange information and make decision.
6.          Learner control: offer learners opportunities to determiner their own routes and strategies to achieve the goal established by the stimulation.
7.          Real feedback: requires student to respond immediately judge the effectiveness of their communication and develop reader sensitivity.

2.       The General Concept of Vocabulary
          Vocabulary was acquired incidentally through indirect expose to word and intentionaly through explicit instruction in specific word and word learning strategies. Vocabulary means the word, which is significant to be known by the learners of language. It can be fon be say found dictionary or other sources, which is relevant. However to enrich the vocabulary we should precisely know about the context of the language spoken or written. Vocabulary is a  component of the a language.” It means that vocabulary is the important part of  language, without vocabulary the language cannot be used to maintain all information in language . Vocabulary can be defining as sound expresses a meaning and forms an independent unit in a language. It can be say that vocabulary is smallest unit of speech that processes individual meaning to speak and can be on the  used to interact one another and vocabulary can be say as a group of words on certaian language as a part in teaching – learning in a foreign language.
          Vocabulary is a set of lexemes, including single words, compound words and idioms( Richard,Jack: John Platt and Heidi Weber, 1985 : 307 ). According to Hornby ( 974:959), vocabulary is a total number of words which ( with rules for combining them) make up the language. According to lexical field theory, the vocabulary of language is essentially a dynamic and well-integrated system of lexemes structured by relationships of meaning ( Howard Jackson, 2000:14 ), or translated.
          In learning vocabulary, the learners should emphasize on the aspects of words. The succes in learning a foreign  language is determined by the size of vocabulary one has learned.
          Websters ( 1988:110 p9) states that vocabulary is a list of words, usually arranges alphabetically annd defined, explained. According to Krashen ands terrell stated in David Nunan book. “the status  of vocabulary  has been considerably enhaneed. This has come about partly as a result the development ofcommunicative approach in language teaching. On the orther word vocabulary has become one of the object the research in the methology of teaching still become as result of the development of communicative approach.
          Vocabulary is very important in language, a large number of vocabularies are so difficult to learn, and because of that, the teacher should use good method in teaching vocabulary. Since the teaching of English in Indonesia is aimed increasing that teaching vocabulary? The English teacher much takes deep concern of vocabulary lesson. However, vocabulary teaching has not always been very responsive to such problems, and the teachers have not fully recognised the tremendous communicative advantage in developing an extensive vocabulary.
          According to Websters (1988:9), in learning language, someone will learn the words of that language since we have learned that it is the essential area of language. From the statements above, we assumed that vocabulary is a very important element of a language. Although there are many techniques of teaching vocabulary. Nation (1974: 10, p.9) says, when we teach a word we must teach three things: (1) we must teach the shape or the form of the word, (2) we must teach the meaning of the word, (3) and we must teach that the form and the meaning of the word together.
3.       Nature of Functional text memo
          A memo is intended to inform a group of people about a specific issue, such as an event, policy, or resource, and encourages them to take action. The word “memorandum” means something that should be remembered or kept in mind. Here’s a guide to writing readable, effective memos.

When writing a memo, ensure that it is clear and encourages action from the recipients:
  1. Write a header that includes who the memo is for, who it is from, the date, and the subject of the memo.
  2. Start the memo with a brief introduction of the problem or issue that the memo will be addressing.
  3. Outline the steps that will be taken or the changes that will be implemented.
  4. Give a short explanation of how these measures will lead to a positive outcome.
  5. Close the memo with a professional but warm sign-off.
  6. Read the memo over and ensure that it is clear and effective before sending it off.

4.         Teaching writing functional text Memo by using Genius Learning         Strategy
            Genius Learning is a learning model that essentially build and develop a positive learning environment and conducive. This favorable condition is a necessary condition for the achievement of maximum learning results. Within this model the teacher should give the impression that the classroom is a place that values ​​the student as a person whose thoughts and ideas to be fully appreciated (Gunawan, 2006: 334).
            Contructivistic learning theory emphasizes on how students construct their own knowledge and to this theory is more concerned with the learning process. From this was born the theory of learning contructivistic accelerated learning or learning that then by Bobbi De Porter developed into a quantum model of teaching. From this is born a genius learning model which is based on quantum teaching but have to consider the conditions in Indonesia. Another name that is frequently used among others Accelerated Learning, Quantum Teaching, Super Learning Efficient and Effective Learning. In essence, the goal is the same model range that is how to make the learning process to be effective, efficient and fun.
            The name was created to distinguish genius learning with accelerated learning. Difference model of learning and accelerated learning genius is the genius model of learning has to consider the condition of Indonesian society in general, the nation's diverse cultural, socio-economic conditions, our national education system and educational purposes, while accelerated learning itself is a teaching model that allows students can learn using scientific techniques that fit with his character so that they will feel that learning is fun, effective and fast (Rose and Nicholl, 2003: 36). As for the quantum teaching or learning quantum developed by Bobbi De Porter is a package with Super Camp. To be successful in implementing these two models, we must not only adopt some of the model as it will lose its essence, but it is often forgotten (Gunawan, 2006: 4).
            Rose and Nicholl (2003: 36) argues, anything that can accelerate and improve learning is accelerated learning, said that the basis of genius learning is accelerated learning because the genius of learning there are some basic principles of accelerated learning, namely:
          1. The total involvement of learners in improving the learning process.
          2. Learning is not to collect information passively, but actively creating               
          3. Learning-based activities often bring positive results compared with   
            learning-based presentation.
          In applying the model of learning genius, starting from a conviction and appreciation that if students can be motivated by the right and taught the proper ways, ways that respect their uniqueness, then they all can achieve a maximum learning outcomes (Sucihati: 2004). What genius learning offered by the model is a system that terancang with a highly efficient braid which includes student, teacher, learning, and the learning environment. In the genius of learning students are placed at the center of the learning process, as the subject of education. Unlike what happened during this time, students are placed in a position that does not fit, ie as objects of education (Gunawan, 2006: 6-7).
          With the presence of a teacher and student in the classroom, does not mean the process of education can take place automatically. If there is a process of teaching, does not mean the learning process followed. However, it should be understood that they are two different activities. For that genius learning is designed, which is to bridge the gap that separates the processes of teaching and learning process.
          In writing memo, the teacher can apply this strategy in writing memo because the steps are available and easy applied by the teacher. The learning Steps of Genius learning consists of:
1. The conducive atmosphere
               The essence of genius learning is learning model to build and develop a positive learning environment and conducive. Without a supportive environment, any strategy that is implemented in the classroom would be futile. This process does not happen, the teacher is responsible for creating a conducive learning climate in preparation for entry into the actual learning process. Students should be free from fear and psychological distress. Students must be in physical condition comfortable and supportive.
               According Setin (2007: 113), to help create conditions conducive to the school must pay attention to the factors that influence the creation of an atmosphere conducive to maximize the results of the learning process. These factors consist of physical needs and safety needs, loved, and appreciated.
          According to Gunawan (2006: 312-319), the physical needs that affect learning include:
1. Physical students
2. Setting the class
3. The correct posture
4. Lighting
2 . Connect
          Need a link between what you learn and what is already known by students as well as what will be used by students of the information that will he learn that happen readiness in student. Teachers can connect with the knowledge known by students of previous learning process or from the student 's own experience.
          The easiest way is to ask questions. Questions are always in need of answers. To be able to answer, students need to think. When thinking of students accessing short-term memory, so that this memory will continue to fill the new information and shift information that has nothing to do with the material to be learned . Students are required to connect with the material previously learned knowledge and visualize in real-life applications. In doing this, students must write down on paper what comes to mind.
3 . Generalization
     For more help prepare the minds of students to absorb the material being taught, before starting the learning process, the teacher must give a great overview of the whole matter . Teachers can provide a summary of what will be learned. Explain how the teacher will teach the lessons and provide key words. Or by writing or make the big picture on the board, of the subject matter to be delivered (Gunawan, 2006: 328 ).
4 . Set goals
          At this stage of the learning process of the new series will begin. What results will be achieved at the end of the learning process should be explained and declared to students. Results to be obtained can be explained directly to the whole class , there are also described per group, or explained to the students individually ( Gunawan, 2006: 328 ).
5.  Input of Information
          At this stage, the information that will be taught to involve a variety of methods and teaching style of the teacher . Long-term memory will be accessible when the process of entering information is unique and interesting. In the income information, students are taught how to facilitate memorizing and understanding the physics equation. To memorize the formula that must be done is to create a funny and interesting story by using the component letters, numbers, and mathematical symbols in the equation.

6.  Activation
          When students receive information through the learning process (income information), this information is still passive. Students still do not feel they have received information or knowledge. This is because the delivery process takes place in one direction, namely from the teacher to the student. To be able to be assured that the students really have to understand and to induce a feeling in the hearts of the students that the information that had just taught is really theirs, required the activation process.
7. Demonstration
          This stage is actually the same as teachers test students' understanding of the process by giving the exam. Only difference, the genius learning models, direct students' understanding tested at that time. It aims to really know the extent to which students' understanding. If the conventional learning, the teacher will usually provide a test one week after the process of entering information. Based on the optimal way the brain works, then how to give the exam is not very effective. Demonstration in question could include direct practice, making the test and understand the answer, teach, understand the application of knowledge learned in everyday life.

8. Review
          Doing repetition and anchoring at the end of each session and at the same time make conclusions from what has been learned. This is useful for improving memory of the learning process.
          The social system is the atmosphere and norms in a model. In the model genius learning, teachers play an important role in efforts to remove obstacles to the development of intelligence. But also be aware of the principles and norms contained in this model, namely collaboration, activity-based learning and equality. In a genius learning model learning environment should be positive and conducive learning in order to achieve maximum learning results (Gunawan, 2006: 333).
          The principle of the reaction is a pattern of activities that illustrate how the teacher should see and treat their students, including how should students responded. It provides guidance on how teachers should use the rules of the game that apply to that model. 
Reaction principle in learning genius models are:
1.       In communication , often using and naming children with positive 
2.        Provide fair and equitable attention to himself every protégé 
3.        Teachers demonstrate and provide examples of positive behavior 
4.       The teacher noticed the spoken language used in communicating with  students 
5.       The teacher gives positive assessment . Not counting how about that one but      calculate the correct answer . Do not scribble the answer sheet with a red  
          marker  and
6.       Conducting joint activities aimed inspires confidence among the students   
          and get to know each other .
          Support systems are all means of material and tools necessary to implement a model. Facilities are required in the implementation of the model is genius learning arrangement or manner regulation which creates an environment conducive space where tables and chairs arranged in such a way that the students feel part of a group.
          Instructional impact is direct learning outcomes achieved by directing students to the expected goals. Instructional impact in learning genius is:
               1. Ability to develop positive thoughts to himself.
               2. Ability to learn to understand from experience and the ability to 
                 obtain and retain knowledge.
          In this research is the impact instructional learning outcomes and student learning activities. Accompaniment is the impact of learning outcomes produced, by a process of learning as a result of the creation of a learning environment that is experienced directly by the student without direct guidance by the teacher. 
5.                  Writing Assessment
Cohen in Richard (1998:89). Cohen separates the writing rubrics into five subdivisions. The first is about content that relates to the ideas of the students’ in writing a recount paragraph. The second is about organization that concerns in how the students manage the ideas in writing. The next is vocabulary asserted. It focuses on how students elect the exact words in writing. As the further rubric, it is about grammar that relates to the sentences’ arrangement.  The last will be the mechanisms that intended in spelling and punctuation.

Table 2.1:
The Rubrics of Assessment Writing Memo
Aspect of Memo
Total Score
Task Completion/format /Layout
Topic Development
Discourse control
Sentence structure
(Adopted from SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru)
The conclusion, the researcher used the above scoring rubrics to assess students’ writing memo.
B.        Review of the Related Findings
Genius learning strategy activities were classroom instruction that commonly used by researcher in their reserch. Gunawan (2007) offered a highly efficient sytem that applied for the students, teachers, learning prosess and environment.
There were some previus researchers that examined some evidence in the some line of this research.
The First, Riyani  (2012) conducted the research entitled “ The Effect of gls ( Genius Learning Strategies ) on the student’s achievement i writing narrative text ( An Experimental at Second Grade of  MTS Sunan kalijaga Siwuh. It can be concluded that using Genius Learning Strategy gives positive effect on the students achievement in writing narrative  text at MTs Sunan kalijaga Siwuluh Brebes.
The Second, Rahayu (2011) conducted the research entitled “ The Effect of genius Learning Strategy and students self concept on the Learning outcome of writing at SMPN 24 Medan. This that with cotinue research use scheffe test shaws the differenteis test the result of writing ability that significant between the students who taught with genius learning strategy with expository learning strategy.
The Third, Saragih (2011) conducted the researh entitled “ The Effect of genius learning strategy to improve students learning achievement on  human reproductive system grade X1 SMA negeri 1 Berastagi“. It is advisible that genius learning strategy is incorporated in the learning process especially in teaching Biology.
                The Fourth, Purnamasari (2007) conducted the researh entitled “Penerapan Strategi Genius Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa Kelas IX SMPN 2 Hamparan Perak Pada Materi Pokok Listrik Statis”.Hasil penelitian tersebut menyatakan bahwa terdapat pernedaan yang signifikan antara hasil belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan pembelajaran yang konvensional dan genius learning strategy dan hasil belajar siswa menjadi lebih baik.
            The Fifth,  Hutabarat (2012) conducted the researh entitled “The effect of Genius Learning Strategy through Sub- Material Recycling Biogeochemistry Class X SMA 9". The results of these studies explain that there is an increasing thoroughness and student learning outcomes after application of learning strategies genius.
            The Sixth, Hozali (2012) conducted the researh entitled “The Effect of applying Genius Learning Strategy Based Multiple Intelligences toward Student Results In Competency Standards Understanding Nature Audio Signals at SMK " . The results of these studies shows learning outcomes with strategies based multiple intelligences learning genius better than the conventional learning model in understanding the material nature of audio signals . Based on the above background , the researchers conduct research with the title, Genius Learning Implementation Strategy Against Mastery Learning Class X - 9 Semester II SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surabaya.

Based on related findings, a genius learning strategy could be used  to all subject and effective. So, the researcher intended to apply the research by using geneius learning strategy.

C.        Conceptual Framework
            Based  on figure 2.1, the researcher could conceptualize this research into Figure 2.1
Conceptual Framework

Low ability in writing
Using Genius Strategy
Problem Solving
Expected Result
Improving Vocabulary ability in Writing memo

            The problem to be solved was students’ low ability in writing. To make it better, the researher applied vocabulary teaching strategies that involved genius learning strategy. These activities provided the students with practice to write a very simple improving students’ability in writing.


A.         Type of the Research
In this research, the researcher decided the method of the research was action research actualized in classroom action research. Action research was the process through which teachers collaborated in evaluating their practice jointly; raise awareness of their personal theory; articulate a shared conception of values; try out new strategies to render the values expressed in their practice more consistent with the educational values they espouse; record their work in a form which was readily available to and understandable by other teachers; and thus develop a shared theory of teaching by researching practice (Cresswell, 2005). It means that classroom action research is planning the activity through preparing the steps to change the condition to the better practice.

B.         Participants of the Research
The participants in this research were the students SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru, and the researcher took the Tenth grade of  TKJ students, there were 21 students. The reason for taking this class as participants because the problem of  less ability to understand the texts, difficulty to write memo text, low motivation to learn reading found in this class that knowing from interview with the English teacher.

C.         The Location of the Research and time
The research was conducted at the Tenth grade TKJ of SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru. The research was held on May, 2015.

D.         Instruments
       There were four instruments used in the research:
1.    Test
Test was one of the method to collect information from the participant. Firstly, the researcher gave the student a topic about functional text memo and the researcher gave the paper that was written by the students related to functional text memo understanding.

2.    Observation
This instrument was used to collect the qualitative data which was done by collaborator. The collaborator observe the teachers’ and students’ activities in classroom and it needed observation checklist. Also, the researcher and collaborator discussed our finding to conduct improvement for next meeting.
Table 3.1
Based on Genius Learning
Point of Observation
1. The conducive atmosphere ; Teacher  makes The conducive  
    atmosphere from physical students, setting the class.

2 . Connect ;Teacher connects with the knowledge known by   
     students of previous learning process or from the student 's   
     own experience in writing. 

3 . Generalization ;Teachers provides a summary of what  
      will be learned.

4 . Set goals ; The teacher talks the students the results  
     that will be achieved at the end of the learning process of  
     writing memo that should be explained and declared to 

5.  Input of Information ; The teacher teaches the students  
     how to facilitate memorizing and understanding the  
     physics equation.

6.  Activation ; the information that had just taught by the
    teacher is really theirs, required the activation process.

7. Demonstration ; teacher directs students' understanding 
    tested at that time.

8. Review ; teacher and students doing repetition and  
    anchoring at the end of each session and at the same time  
   make conclusions from what has been learned.

Table 3.2
Based on the Vocabulary ability in Writing Memo
Point of Observation
1.      Students write a header that includes who the memo is for, who it is from, the date, and the subject of the memo.

2.      Students Start the memo with a brief introduction of the problem or issue that the memo will be addressing.

3.      Students outline the steps that will be taken or the changes that will be implemented.

4.      Students give a short explanation of how these measures will lead to a positive outcome.

5.      Students use the appropriate word in writing memo such as the usage of verb,noun, adjective, adverb, conjunction etc.

6.      Students compare their work

3.                Field Note
            The aim of field note was not specific things, weakness, strength or suggestion related to teaching and learning process which noted in observation checklist. It was hoped that the researcher could make an improvement when teaching at the next meeting so that the researcher can reach the purpose.

Table 3.3
The Field notes of The Research
The field notes of the research

Cycle    : __________________
Meeting: __________________
Topic    : __________________
Date     : __________________

Teachers’ Activities
Students’ Activities

       The researcher                                                              Collaborator

     (____________)                                                        (_____________)

4.      Interview
An interview was a conversation in which the interviewer questions the interviewee in order to gain information. Interviews could be formal or informal, structured or unstructured. They could be conducted one-to-one or in groups, face to face or by telephone, Skype, or email. The researcher  used interview structurally to ask the students about their problem in writing recount text and how impression after applying the problem solving learning strategy in teaching writing functional text memo. And the guideline of the Interview protocol was enclosed in Appendix.

E.                 Procedure of the Research
The procedures of this research were as follows:
1.      Plan
In plan phase, the research planned what to do at the Tenth grade students of SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru. Bellow were some steps that consisted in plan :
a.    Designing the lesson plan
The researcher designed the lesson plan related to writing memo by using genius learning strategy
b.    Preparing media
The researcher prepared the example of memo
c.    Preparing material
The researcher prepared the forms of memo
d.   Preparing the research instruments
The researcher prepared the forms of writing test, observational checklist and interview sheet
e.    Conforming the teaching strategy based on lesson plan
f.     Criteria of Success in writing recount text is > 72

2.         Action
This secondary step was applied all from plan in learning process. There were some essential activities in this step:
a.       The teacher gave explanation about writing functional text memo by using Genius strategy to students and what will going to do.
b.      The teacher assigned student to groups by alphabetically and distribute the  list of assignments to student the class.
c.       The teacher set up room with fixed seating and bring group lists, textbook, reference material, and copied of problems for each group and each group member.
d.      Teacher as guider, guided the students to do the first step was plan using copied of the topic. The steps of Genius learning strategy was for the  meetings.

3.      Observation
The collaborator and the researcher observed and noted the learning activity to get the data collaboratively. The field note and observation sheet were also used to make improvement for coming meeting.

4.      Reflection
In the last step, the researcher and collaborator needed to reflect what happen with the project. According to action process and observation reflection was about students’ activity and technique application in the class and learning process.

Moreover, the figure of this Classroom Action Research can be seen at figure 3.5 below:

Figure 3.5
Action Research Framework (Cresswell, 2005)

F.            Technique of Collecting Data
            There are two kinds data of the research where collected:

1.      Collecting Quantitative data
In collecting Quantitative data, firstly was implemented a test get the data from the writing test. The students wrote down the functional text memo related to the topic given by the researcher. The assessment of this test use rubric writing memo assessment to measure the score.

2.      Collecting Qualitative data
In collecting qualitative data, the researcher got it from observation, field note and interview. Firstly, the collaborator and the researcher together the teaching and learning process in each meeting to know that learning process run as well or vice versa. As the further, the collaborator also collected the data from field note which as note in each meeting. In the last, the students were interviewed by asking some questions.

G.    Technique of Analyzing the Data         
                To analyze the data, the researcher analyzed based on the type of the data such as quantitative and qualitative data.

1.                  Analyzing quantitative data
To analyze the quantitative data the researcher analyzed the score of the students’ writing memo based on the minimum score criteria which is the score is considered good if the score reached the minimum score criteria 72 and vice versa.

Firstly, the researcher had to count the mean score by using below formula:

m = 
Where :
m         = mean
fx       = total number of items that students get right
n          = number of participants total students

            Furthermore, the researcher use the students passing score of Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimum (KKM) of the school as bellow to identify level students’ mean score in writing functional text memo.

Table 3.6
The Passing Score at SMK Dwi Sejahtera Pekanbaru
Score range

2.                  Analyzing qualitative data
To analyze qualitative data, the researcher will use the step below:
a.           Data managing
            Data managing involved creating and organizing the data collected during the study. Tried to envision what the data from an observation or interview study looks like.  Piles of field notes or transcripts and numerous computer file await order and organization. The data that collected were managed and organized by the researcher and collaborator.

b.                  Reading or memoing
            The first step in analysis was reading/memoing; reading the field notes, transcripts, memos, and observer comment to get a sense of your data. It is important that you wrote notes in the margins or underline sections or issues that seems important to you so that you had a record of your initial thoughts and sense of the data. The data taken from instrument read and memo by the researcher so that the data analysis is easier to do.

c.                   Classifying
            The typical way qualittative data are broken down and organized was though the process of classifying, which means ordering field notes or transcriptions into categories that represents differents aspectsof the data. Categories were used to organize similar concepts into separate groups. Note, also, that lower- level categories can themselves be organizedinto even higher, more abstract conceptual categories.The researcher classified the data based on the type of the data.

d.                  Interpreting
            Three strategies were use to analyze  data: constant comparision, negative case analysis, and analytic induction. First, Constant comparison involves the constant comparison of identified topics and concepts to determine their distinctive characteistic so they can be place in appropriate strategies. Second, Negative case was one that contradicts an emerging category or pattern. Third, Analytic induction  was a process concerned with the development and test of theory.Theoretically, there is no limit to the levels  of data classification.

Gay (2000)


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